Eric's cousin asked me yesterday for some help getting his ties and belts organized.
I gave him the following simple solutions:
1) This is the simplest solution for ties and belts: a tie and belt hanger for your closet. These can be purchased anywhere hangers are sold - even at Walmart.
2) If you have extra drawer space, these dividers are great and easy to access. Plus, you can effortlessly get your items put away after each use. Bed Bath & Beyond has many variations of these available - don't forget your coupon, if you go to BB&B.

3) If you're crafty, you can make this one yourself using a strip of wood and nails. Hang it on your closet wall or behind a door near where you get dressed.
4) Lastly, there's the recycled approach - my personal favorite! Use an old Coke box and fill it with your ties and belts. Place this on your closet shelf so it's easy to get to or on top of your dresser for a more organized, decorative touch.
Any one of these solutions take only minutes to apply, once you have your organizer in hand.
If you have any organizing questions of your own, please contact me at or 904.351.NEAT(6328).
Happy Organizing!